Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Asratyan str.9
 Institute of Surgery after professor Mikaelyan
Tel. (3742) 28-17-90,28-19-70
Fax. (3742) 3906167

-Chief of ATA is Professor Hamlet Tamazyan
Curriculum Vitae
He was born in 1947. Armenian.
He graduated from Yerervan state Medical University after Mchitar Heratsi
in 1972.
He worked in Achtala city as head of surgical department (1973-1977).
After worked in Tumanyan’s RH as head of surgical department in
Alaverdyan city since 1977 to 1978. Since 1978 to 1980 worked in Algeria  as surgeon.
After he has headed surgical department in Alaverdyan .
Then he worked in Yerevan state Institute of Surgery as chief of
surgical department .He was senior scientific employee (1983-1987). Then (1987-1992)- the
conducting scientific employee in same department.
In 1986 he defended the Candidate dissertation named “Clinical
features, diagnosis and results of treatment of the combined pathology
–esophageal burn stricture and gastroesophageal hernia”in Moscow by
academic B.Petrovsky management.
Since 1992 Tamazyan-direktor of Institute of Surgery after Mikaelyan
In 1995 he defended a thesis for a Doctor’ degree “Some aspects of
tactics and surgery for gastroduodenal bleedings dew to peptic ulcers”.
Since 1994 H.S.Tamazyan is head of chair of particular surgical
speculates of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia.
H.S.Tamazyan repeatedly passed improvement in the various advanced
clinics of Moscow, Berlin, Paris. Took part in the international conferences
In Paris (UMAF) in 1992,1995,1997 years: in Uzbekistan in 1998.
He is a chief editor of “Armenian Surgical News journal.H.S.Tamazyan is
a member of problematic committee of medical biologic section of
National Academy of Sciences of  Armenia, assistant of Armenian Surgical
Association's Chairman. He is a member of UMAF society (Union of Armenian
Doctors of France). H.S.Tamazyan is the author of 90 scientific works
and 3 methodical recommendations, has 3 certificates of authority and 6
monographs. He is the scientific leader of 3 doctor's and 6 candidate's
dissertations. Here is basic monographs:
1) Aspects and tactics of surgical treatment of gastroduodenal
bleedings. Yerevan. 1993
2) Operated stomach diseases and reintervention dew to gastroduodenal
3) Laparoscopic surgery (practical manual). Moscow. 1999.
Speaks in armenian, russian and french language.
Is married, has 2 children

Executive secretary:  Doctor Akopyan  Sergey Arutunovich. Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae
He graduated from the Chita State Medical Institute. General faculty.
Since 1983 to 1987 worked in hospital in Petrozavodsk as surgeon.
Then since 1985 to 1987 as chief in surgical department in Petrozavodsk’s Hospital.
After he worked in hospital in Charencavan, Armenia (1987-1988).
Since 1988 he worked in Institute of Surgery after prof. Mikaelyan.
In 1991-1993 graduated from clinical residence on surgery in Institute
of Surgery.
In 1991-1993 passed improvement in Moscow on portal hypertension
surgery. Many times participated in different conferences ,symposiums and
congresses about problems of liver surgery.
In 1998 passed improvement in Paris  on liver surgery and liver
Since 1996 engaged in scientific-experemental works on liver .
He is the member of the Surgical Society of Armenia, the section of liver
surgery and portal hypertension problems.
In 1996 defended the Candidate dissertation named “Choice of the method
operative intermission at bleedings from varicose extended veins of
esophagus and cardia”. He is the author of 15 scientific works and 2 methodical recommendation.
Speaks in Armenian, Russian and French language
Doctor Akopyan S.-38 years, married, has two children

Republic of Armenia. Yerevan.
Manandyan str.1/2./41
Tel: (3742) 28-40-61,463511
Fax: (3742)28-19-70
E-mail: [email protected]
Akopyan Sergey